Scientology is and will always
be fundamentally American for three main reasons.
first; it is incredibly vague in everything it says it is in an attempt
to appeal to the mass market. for example the churches website
boasts sponsoring multiple causes, for example 'human rights'
and 'a crime free world' and others, all of which are notably unspecific,
granted this is a website for all Scientologists and so local
issues aren't likely to be covered however this is simply the
tip of the ice burg. All information put on the website is very
vague, in the websites video entitled 'what is Scientology?' the most
specific thing said is 'its the study of knowing' which I personally feel can't
and doesn't describe a religion very well at all. the website also
boasts 'practical solutions to real problems' however it only talks about
interpersonal relationship problems.
reasoning behind this is that the whole website is designed
to encourage people from all walks of life to either become
a Scientologist too or even just take up some further reading. It
is purposefully vague so it sounds relevant to as many people as
possible, much like horoscopes or the American dream.
second; it is absolutely focused on the
financial advancement of oneself even if that
means shamelessly taking from another. Being a church the
movement doesn't have to pay taxes on the hundreds of books and films
that it requires its members buy, however that doesn't stop the
church asking new members to buy 9 books the cheapest of which is
£20, which although may sound reasonable for a book you have to remember
its not taxed as highly as other books might be if at all. I consider this an
American characteristic since it is the basis
of capitalism which arguably is only the default around the world
because of American hegemony.
The third
is exemplified in this quote:
culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring
ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical
observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are
less capable, less ethical and less valuable to themselves and society....A man
without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than
a man.” - LRH (the science of survival)
to say following Tuesdays lesson the unwavering stress put on the
importance of religion and belief in a higher power is most
definitely an American characteristic which
the Scientology religion exhibits proudly on its website.
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